Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Beginning - Autumn Colours

Let's see how I go from here. This is not so much about blogging but about sharing photos and putting down some thoughts and recollections about the very mundane. No serious stuffs here.
Captured these images during my lunch time walk. Amazing how long the autumn colours lasted this year. Pity the sun dosen't come out much these last few days. Mornings are always misty and grey and by 5 pm it's already dark. Hopefully the colours remain a while more. I must've taken a thousand photos of the changing colours since autumn begin....
What treasures to behold in the future!

See video :

1 comment:

Wisma Minum said...

Wonderful to see ytour fotos colours remind me of Canberra but not this year with not enuf rain. We have now had some summer rain but too late for the azaleas etc.