Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mercy Ships

Last night I was invited to a charity dinner for MERCY SHIPS by my friend Stephane, owner of the beautiful Payerne Golf Club. It was a very pleasant gathering of some 130 members of the Golf Club with good food, flamenco dances, and interesting music provided by one talented man using all sorts of non-musical instruments. Incredible!Dear Stephane (who really looks like a young George Hamilton) has been very active with Mercy Ships and he was donating all proceeds from yesterday to the organization. My Canadian colleagues Robert and Marilyn were also there and Marilyn told me how she spent six days in the ship last month during one of its call at an African port. That had inspired her to organise another charity event on 6 June at her residence to raise funds for a newly-bought ship which was now being furbished for operations in two years time to ply Asia. How noble.

Stephane had also invited me to put up a Malaysian Evening at his club and this will take place on 18 April, together with an all-day friendly golf tournament for which I have agreed to sponsor symbolic prizes for the best 15 players. Malaysia Airlines has sponsored 2 return tickets Frankfurt-KL, and YTL a two-night stay at their Tanjong Jara Resort for the lucky draw winners at the evening. The response to the golf and dinner has been extremely wonderful. Stephane and I look forward to a successful occasion.

Meanwhile here are some information about Mercy Ships below.

Imagine a ship crewed by doctors, nurses, water engineers and agriculturalists visiting some of the world’s poorest countries. Now imagine their life-changing services offered free of charge…
Right now dedicated volunteers from around the world are bringing hope and healing to thousands of people who could never have believed it possible. Welcome to Mercy Ships, a compassionate response to a world where many have lost hope.

Mercy Ships is a global charity that has operated hospital ships in developing nations since 1978. Mercy Ships brings hope and healing to the forgotten poor by mobilizing people and resources worldwide, and serving all people without regard for race, gender, or religion. Our Crew of both professional medical and non-medical volunteers have chosen a very powerful way to share their blessings.Mercy Ships has chosen to follow the 2,000 year-old model of Jesus: the blind see, the lame walk, the mute speak, and the Good News (the nature and character of a loving God) is proclaimed and demonstrated among the poor.Mercy Ships welcomes individuals that seek to engage in our mission of hope either by volunteering with our Crew or in the sharing of personal relationships and resources. Not everyone can give of themselves as volunteers, but your support for our cause can make a difference in the lives of the forgotten poor. Short-term volunteers can participate from two weeks to a year with Mercy Ships, while others may choose to serve in a longer capacity. The ability to utilize professional volunteers as Crew allows Mercy Ships to maximize our donor support and serve those who need help the most.

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