Last Friday, the fourth day of raya I flew to Bandung with my loyal travel companion Hoong Po for what was supposed to be a 6 days holiday. I really should have trusted my first judgement, that Bandung was not a great place to visit. My first visit there was in 2004 only for 2 days and I did not like it at all. Against all odds, I decided to give it another go and it proved to be AGAIN, disappointing and rather a disaster with the food poisoning! So instead of coming back on Wednesday I flew back on Monday, forgoing two night paid hotel accommodation and having to pay penalty on my airfare! Hoong Po stayed on and was in Cirebon that disastrous Sunday. I did not want to join him on that long drive to that hot, sweaty place and just as well as it took him a marathon 9 hours to get back to Bandung the next day! And there wasn't much for him to do to pass the days till Wednesday either.
On the positive side, today spent a few hours with maestro artist Yusof Ghani who invited me to jointly paint with him at his studio in Shah Alam. Wow, what an experience that was. The results are the two paintings here. The green/brown one is his though I started with the base and outline. The other one is mine with some instruction from him. The subject/theme is mine - for me always the same subject - ALLAH! I look forward to more painting sessions with the maestro.
My darling cucu Kuca who turned two years old two weeks go had her birthday party at her kampung in Lancang, Pahang today (I'll visit her next weekend when things are quieter). As a present I gave her a painting of flowers by an autistic female artist which I bought at the MCAT (Malaysian Contemporary Art) art exhibition of autistic artists at MATIC in July. Although it is still early, hope this will inspite her to love art like her atok.