Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Meniti Pelangi Mencari Mimpi

Sepanjang perjalanan meniti kehidupan
Kucari mimpi mimpi
Tak pernah ku temui
Umpama pengembara
Ku hadapi segalanya
Walau sering terkecewa

Sekali ku melangkah
Aku kan terus melangkah
Biar pun ku sedari
Ku meniti pelangi
Kerana keindahan warnanya mempesona
Kelabu pandangan mata

Lingkungan warna warna indah
Biar seketika
Pelangi di langit yang muram
Sejenak ku biarkan diri melayani hati
Mencari mimpi mimpi indah
Sia sia,
Seumpama pengembara

Kerana mimpi
Hanya mimpi..... Driving home as it was getting dark a few days ago I heard this song from the 80s hauntingly sung by Azlina Aziz. I had always liked the song and the way Azlina sang it. And I had in the past thought the lyric beautiful and meaningful. But today on reflection, I think the message of the song is rather negative - threading on a rainbow seeking meaningless dreams which will never come true just as the rainbow will surely disappear.

Well I beg to disagree. A dream, however frivolous is the start of everything. I have fulfilled my dreams, not all but most. And I will still dreams on (or have ambition and entertain hope) and strive to achieve them. What is life without dreams and hopes . And after all, God is so great, you need to only ask Him, pray for it and work towards it and always be grateful for what you get, Insha Allah.
See video :

Monday, February 22, 2010

Homecoming Prologue

Salam and greetings!
Thank you to those who urge me to continue blogging. I will do my best, it's difficult with no pc yet at home.

Twenty four days today since my final homecoming. I feel generally well though I am still trying to get used to the heat and humidity, the noise, the crowd and traffic. The last one week had been a pleasant respite from some of that due to the Chinese New Year holidays, though the weather had been exceptionally hot!

At this point I will say that I don't like Kuala Lumpur anymore! The far distances between places is such a bother for me. I hate all the disproportionate tall buildings, haphazardly popping out at every turn of your head. I hate the bumpy roads with bad, worn out surfacing and holes you find everywhere, even around so-called 5-star buildings and zones! I hate the disorderly state of things, rubbish by roadsides and buildings. And all those illegal advertisements being hung and posted everywhere, on lamp posts, walls, on street corners, on trees and even on road signs, everywhere! What are you doing about this Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur!!! And yet things seem to be normal by every one's standards but mine!

After the tranquil silence of Switzerland, the constant noise in KL is something I find hard to get used to. Fortunately where I live it is quiet except there is a renovation work of a house behind mine, and when the neighbour's dogs bark and when there are deliveries to houses around me. Then there are these 'migratory' birds that are currently on a long 'stopover' in this region that make this awful noise for long spells especially early in the morning and during some part of the day.

Alas, I am home. This is my country, my home where I belong. I must just get used to it all, Insha Allah.

On the plus side, I have been extremely well-received by family and friends, with non-stop series of dinners and lunches. And there are many still I have yet to contact and meet. And I must say that all the services I have availed myself to so far had been good, exceptionally good, better than I remember them to be. Must be the KPI thing the government is pushing so hard. Well done Malaysia!

Yet on the other hand it is hard to grasp the fact that most everywhere I went I was always served by a foreigner - Indonesian, Nepali, Bangladeshi, Mynmarese, Cambodian, Pakistani, Filipino, mainland Chinese, etc etc and the list goes on. Where do we go from here and where does it all end eventually!!! Are Malaysians are so spoiled, they can't do anything themselves anymore!

Yes I am home again in my beloved, somewhat extraordinary, rather overboard of a country where everything 'CAN' - Malaysia Boleh ma! I do wish that some things are 'TAK BOLEH' and Malaysians learn more from what are beyond our country's borders and our own mindsets.What a fortunate lot we Malaysians are to have so many good things that some other countries can only wish for. And that's the problem. We take things so for granted and along the way we lose some essential and important things.

Yes indeed, I am home and I will make the very best of my life here, syukur Alhamdullilah.